職位 Ⅳ Position | 助理教授(含)以上專任教師 Assistant Professor and above (Full-time faculty) |
名額 Quota | 2 |
學歷 Education | 需有教育部認可之國內外中藥、中醫及相關領域博士學位,部定助理教授職級以上。 Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine,or related fields, recognized by the Ministry of Education, and be appointed at the level of Assistant Professor or above by the Ministry of Education. |
資格 Qualifications | 1. 具中醫師執照及助理教授資格,且有專門學術著作,成績優良。 2. 具有相關之臨床、研究工作、專門職業或職務滿四年以上。 1. Possess the qualifications of Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor licience and Assistant Professor. And have outstanding academic achievements, including specialized scholarly works. 2. Have at least four years of experience in relevant clinical, research, specialized professional, or managerial roles. |
工作內容 Job Description | 協助中醫基礎醫學相關課程。 Assist in teaching courses related to the fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine.
中醫學導論、中國醫學史、中醫生理學、中醫文獻學、中醫病理學、中醫環境醫學、中醫方劑學、中醫養生學、傷寒學、針灸科學等。 |
專長(領域) Study Field | 中藥、中醫相關基礎醫學領域教學與研究。 Teaching and researching in the field of basic medical sciences related to traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine. |